Academic Research Partnerships

cross-university collaborations

Our knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) with Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester Met) established in 2021 is still very much the primary but as with any research programme, the deeper the research advances, cross department/university collaborations with fellow experts in the same field becomes a very natural and welcome progression.

In further testament to KTP1's success, in November 2024 it was also awarded Innovate UK 'Best KTP' too.

And the successful conclusion of KTP1 has led to the commencement of KTP2 with Manchester Met.

Manchester Met

KTP1 focussed on evidencing and quantifying eight key sustainability measures, whereas KTP2's objective is focussed on the utilisation of advanced environmental data analytics and applied AI.

This new capability once fully developed will enable the production of bespoke reporting dashboards detailing the accrued and future sustainability impact following every HYVERT living wall installation


To assist with KTP2’s objectives, at the beginning of the summer 2024, our academic research team which is led by Professor in Intelligent Infrastructure Systems, Bamidele Adebisi expanded to bring onboard deeper expertise in the field of AI and data science

and we were excited to welcome Data Scientist, Olamide Oyediran & Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics), Dr Weizhuo WANG 王 to the team too.
(All pictured below and flanked left and right by our MD, Richard and Head of R&D, Joseph.)

I Want Plants MD Richard Rowlands & Head of Research Joseph Rouse joined by Manchester Metropolitan University Professor Bamidele Adebisi, Olamide Oyediran, Dr Weizhuo WANG 王

Not forgetting that the wider KTP2 research team still includes academics from our original KTP too.

We’re extremely fortunate to have such a wealth of knowledge and expertise collaboratively working to achieve a successful outcome for KTP2.


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