AutoTrader Manchester
AutoTrader Manchester
This Project originated from AutoTrader placing huge renewed emphasis on creating an extra-appealing, new work environment to coincide with their staff returning to work post-covid. It was so large, it was delivered over three separate phases during the Summer months and encompassed all I Want Plant’s specialities; Green Infrastructure - comprising large-scale plant Rental & Maintenance and a HYVERT Living Wall alongside, Custom Installations - Artificial Living Wall and eleven Custom Made Trees.
The HYVERT living wall, measuring just over 10sqm, is located within a meeting room and will be known as the ‘Retreat’ wall and has been designed to accommodate both a flat screen TV alongside a whiteboard. The ‘first fix’ for HYVERT’s framework took place early on in the project but the final installation of the plant modules happened towards the end, once other refurbishments to the office were complete.

10 SQM
Size m2
No. of plants
Plant Variants
HYVERT Living Wall
I Want Plants
Plant Species
Asplenium Parvati, Dracaena, Epipremnum, Philodendron Scandens, Syngonium Pixie

AutoTrader Custom Installations
Click below to see how we helped AutoTrader with even more green infrastructure from live and artificial plants to custom made trees too!