Hilti Manchester

Hilti Manchester

When Hilti (Gt. Britain) Ltd moved their HQ facility from Trafford Park into Manchester City Centre, they chose the Innovation District which includes No.1 Circle Square as their new location. Occupying 42000 sq ft of open-plan workspace over three levels (3, 4 and 5), incorporating Green Infrastructure was a key design feature to meet the vision for a modern working environment.

The newly installed HYVERT Living wall is positioned for maximum impact within Hilti's entrance/visitor area and benefits from a huge influx of natural light thanks to expansive floor to ceiling windows. We were delighted when our 'Green Infrastructure' project relationship with Hilti progressed into a business partnership too, which was featured in business news media and you can read more about that here.

7.5 SQM

Size m2


No. of plants


Plant Variants


HYVERT Living Wall


I Want Plants

Plant Species

Asplenium Nidus, Ficus Pumila, Maranta Tricolour, Monstera Minima, Philodendron Brazil, Philodendron Scandens


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