Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester Metropolitan University

HYVERT remains under environmental scientific analysis at Manchester Metropolitan University so it's with enormous pride that this particular HYVERT living wall installation can now be found within the University’s Campus, installed upon their All Saints Building. Our scientific research partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University has already achieved success and allowed us to identify which HYVERT plant species excel at the absorption of harmful gases (C02 and N02), which can reduce noise decibels within a set frequency range and which can retain the most rain water. This latest HYVERT installation will support further research into the boosting of biodiversity and rainwater reutilisation.

The introduction of Biodiversity Net Gains legislation in November 2023 will give the quantification of this element much greater significance and this new HYVERT location is ideally situated to conduct this next stage, biodiversity-driven research given it's close proximity to the 'Mancunian Way' city by-pass. We also met with Manchester's Finest Group Digital Media, to tell them all about it and you can read their published article here.

29 SQM

Size m2


No. of plants


plant variants


HYVERT Living Wall


I Want Plants

Plant Species

Carex Everest, Dryopteris Affinis Pinderi, Dryopteris Jurassic Gold, Hedera, Leucothoe, Pachysandra, Vinca, Vulgare


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