No.2 Circle Square

No.2 Circle Square

Working with GMI Construction for our mutual client, Bruntwood SciTech, No 2 Circle Square forms part of the Oxford Road Corridor Knowledge Quarter in Manchester. Now fully occupied, No.2 Circle Square communal reception area was redeveloped to include a biophilic revamp with the installation of a HYVERT living wall behind the welcome desk along with a live planting scheme into the client's custom made troughs.

The plants were selected to assist with noise abatement (improving acoustics), occupant well-being and absorption of volatile atmospheric metals. HYVERT also benefitted from the installation of specialist plant lighting which will ensure the correct light spectrum is generated daily, to allow photosynthesis to be successfully achieved. Both HYVERT and the new plant displays will now be regularly cared for and maintained by the I Want Plants After-care Service team.

13.5 SQM

Size m2


No. of plants


Plant Variants


HYVERT Living Wall


I Want Plants

Plant Species

Adiantum Raddianum Fritz-Luthi, Chlorophytum, Epipremnum Aureum, Phlebodium Aureum Blae Star, Philodendron Scandens, Soleirolia Soleirolii (Helixine mix)


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