HYVERT Experiment 11.11.22

WHP Manchester

Installing a temporary HYVERT living wall system within one of Manchester’s best known nightspots, The Warehouse Project (WHP) was definitely a first for us.

But on this occasion, it had nothing to do with creating a biophilic installation, the reason for HYVERT’s three-day presence was purely scientific.

I Want Plants Richard Rowlands and Joseph Rouse at WHP Manchester - HYVERT Noise Abatement experiment

The purpose

To measure how much sound can be absorbed by HYVERT living walls within in-situ settings

Earlier in 2022, we had reported that our KTP with The Manchester Metropolitan University had identified eight Key Sustainability Measures; one of which was Noise Abatement.

We had successfully identified plant species which were better at reducing decibel pitch levels.

For this experiment, we wanted to understand how our HYVERT living wall system would perform in both a realistic and challenging acoustic environment. E.g. large spaces with hard building materials, ambiguous layouts and set up restrictions…. in this case, The WHP.

HYVERT noise abatement experiment at The Warehouse Project in 20222

The temporary rigging-up of HYVERT at WHP happened earlier one Wednesday morning in readiness for a busy Friday night packed with crowds and performing DJs.

I Want Plants MD Richard Rowlands and Head of R&D, Joseph Rouse stayed for the duration of the testing and the HYVERT installation and scientific testing equipment was removed from WHP early the following morning.

The result

A successful experiment with precise noise abatement recordings achieved

Our HYVERT living wall system successfully absorbed 9.3 dB (Decibels) in the 1 -10 kHz frequency range.

And since this experiment first took place, we have since established that HYVERT, works most effectively dampening sound frequencies between 2.5 - 7 kHz.

Adapted into workspace settings, this has meant building occupants experience a quieter space to work.

Take a look at the video below which captured the whole experiment!

Lets talk HYVERT science


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