Dutch Team-Building

In the same week as National Clean Air Day (June 20th), a day earlier our Interior Plants team had the wonderful opportunity to tour one of our European plant suppliers in Holland.

Commencing the day at 5:30am with coffee in hand at Manchester Airport and by mid morning we were immersed within a vast horticultural heaven! 

Led by MD Richard and our Wellness Coordinator, Charlotte a total of fifteen I Want Plants crew spent the day team-building to further deepen their plant knowledge, share tips and most importantly, enjoy a brief restorative escape from their normal working day.

Plants are natural clean air warriors along with mentally boosting wellbeing and visually enhancing any spaces they inhabit and we consider ourselves very fortunate to work with them on a daily basis.

As an example, one of our HYVERT living wall installations (Foundation in Altrincham) is capable of absorbing over 450kg of carbon per year!

A huge thank you to our Dutch supplier friends for hosting us for the whole day – including a delicious lunch too.

Back home in Manchester by 6pm, a little weary but this was a Wednesday exceptionally well spent!


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